Designed to get you stronger and more powerful through our systematic training blocks. Throughout our program, you will find a unique hybrid of Olympic Lifting, Strongman, Powerlifting, Cardio Body Building, Power Development and Gymnastics. These classes are essential for every athlete to achieve optimal human performance.

Designed to get you fitter without the risk of overtraining or burning out from excessive volume. We've eliminated all high skill & high risk movements to what can be found in a typical 'functional fitness' class. Sessions will involve strict gymnastics movements to build your core & form, metabolic conditioning to build your aerobic capacity & lactic threshold, plus barbell cycling to build your stamina & muscular endurance.

Our more "Crossfit Styled" class done smart. Here you will work at the slow pace required to learn difficult skills and build strength. You will take your time learning and practicing the olympic lifts, focusing on more strength development plus work the progressions required to build safe and effective gymnastics movements.
Then to finish the session off we hit out a short sprint style metcon.